The Black Health Academy is accredited by The American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
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Is your health a liability or an asset?
The Black Health Academy is committed to combating and eradicating chronic health challenges which disproportionately impact communities of color.
A Peek Inside of the ACADEMY
The Black Health Academy is an e-learning platform which houses masterclasses, workouts and interviews with subject matter experts about how to combat and/or prevent a variety of health challenges including things like weight loss, hypertension, high cholesterol, kidney failire, chronic stress, type 2 diabetes, food addiction, Alzheimer's disease and many more.
African Americans make up only 5% of physicians in the U.S.
Black men are 7x more likely than white men to receive a diagnosis of H.I.V.
The infant mortality rate in the black population is twice that of whites.
Black men are more than twice as likely to die of prostate of cancer.
Black people experience much higher rates of hypertension, diabetes and stroke.
Black women have nearly double the obesity rate of white women.
Black women are more 40% more likely to die from breast cancer.
Black people are the fastest growing demographic of vegans in the U.S.
About Our Founder: Lisa A. Smith, MBA
Lisa A. Smith is a highly sought after coach and speaker specializing in taking a whole food plant-based approach to combating chronic lifestyle disease. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a MBA. She is certified in plant-based nutrition, the creator of The Plant Protocol™, the first plant-based coaching certification to be founded by a person of color. Lisa is also the creator of the signature plant-based program, PHARM TO TABLE, a group coaching program designed to assist individuals with taking a plant-based approach to combating chronic lifestyle disease. Lisa founded The Black Health Academy in 2017 whose mission is to eradicate those chronic diseases which disproportionately impact marginalized communities.
"Your disobedience is tied to someone's disappointment"
Listen in as The Black Health Academy founder, Lisa A. Smith, breaks down why we prioritize using food as medicine and why she founded the The Black Health Academy.
The Black Health Academy is accredited by The American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
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